Sal Mineo: Hollywood's First Gay Teenager (Episode 3)

Forty-five years ago, on February 12, 1976, "Rebel Without a Cause" actor Sal Mineo was murdered outside his carport in West Hollywood, CA. Go behind the sign to the alleyway where the Switchblade Kid met his match. I hope you guys enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it. Like and Subscribe to my channel!


Forty-five years ago, on February 12, 1976, "Rebel Without a Cause" actor Sal Mineo was murdered outside his carport in West Hollywood, CA. Go behind the sign to the alleyway where the Switchblade Kid met his match. I hope you guys enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it. Like and Subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Fortune and Men's Eyes (Sal Mineo)

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ISSUE No. 1: Sal Mineo

Hollywood’s β€˜First Gay Teenager,’ Sal Mineo, was born on this day in 1939. Ahead of his time and taken way too soon. Sal was the youngest person nominated for an Academy Award for 1955’s β€œRebel Without a Cause” where Sal played Plato, a lonely gay teenager in 1950’s America. He was nominated once again a few years later for his role in β€œExodus” - the epic film on the founding of the modern State of Israel. By the early 1960s, Sal was becoming too old to play the type of role that had made him famous, and his rumored homosexuality led to his being considered inappropriate for leading roles. Sal's last role in a motion picture was a small part in the film Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971); he played the chimpanzee, Dr. Milo. In a 1972 interview, Sal openly discussed his bisexuality. At the time of his murder, he was in a six-year relationship with male actor Courtney Burr III. On the night of February 12, 1976, the actor returned home following a rehearsal for the play P.S. Your Cat Is Dead. After parking his car in the carport below his West Hollywood apartment, the 37-year-old was stabbed once in the heart by a mugger who quickly fled the scene. Police pursued multiple leads but assumed the crime to be the result of some sort of β€œhomosexual motivation.” In March of 1979, Lionel Ray Williams was sentenced to 57 years in prison for both killing Mineo and committing ten robberies in the same area. Lionel was paroled in the 1990s. CLICK HERE for the issue that started it all DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: SAL MINEO (Issue no. 1).

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BOTD: SAL MINEO (Jan. 10, 1939)

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π™½πšŠπšπšŠπš•πš’πšŽ πš†πš˜πš˜πš πšŠπš—πš πšπš˜πš‹πšŽπš›πš πš†πšŠπšπš—πšŽπš› 𝚊𝚝 πšπš‘πšŽπš’πš› πš πšŽπšπšπš’πš—πš. CLICK HERE for a copy of the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: HERE LIES NATALIE WOOD - THE UNAUTHORIZED GUIDE TO PIERCE BROTHERS WESTWOOD VILLAGE MEMORIAL PARK & MORTUARY (ISSUE #18). OUT NOW!

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39 years ago today actress Natalie Wood died, drowning off the coast of California in Two Harbors on Catalina Island. Two years ago I retraced Wood’s lost weekend on the island. You can read all about it in the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: NATALIE WOOD (Issue #8). CLICK HERE for your copy of the zine!



Two years ago, on Natalie Wood’s deathiversary, I did a Natalie Wood slideshow at the Pool Gallery. We projected the slides on the bottom of the pool. It was freezing, but so worth it! You can read more about the slideshow in the upcoming issue of DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: HERE LIES NATALIE WOOD (Issue #18). A companion piece of sorts to DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: NATALIE WOOD (Issue #8).




Going virtual tonight for the Midwest Perzine Fest - the biggest Zine Fest in the Midwest. CLICK HERE to purchase the fanzine DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD. 30 issues to choose from or choose all 30! We have some exciting new releases coming up before Halloween. What dead celebs would you like to see memorialized in an issue? Stay tuned and stay in!

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DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD THIS IS WHERE I DIE (Issue #22) will focus on the photos I have taken in and around Los Angeles over the past 20 years. This issue will feature never before seen photos of where stars like Natalie Wood, James Dean, and Dorothy Dandridge met their untimely fates.

Long Beach Zine Fest 2019!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Long Beach Zine Fest today! If you don’t know what a zine is or haven’t been to a zine fest… what are you waiting for?!?! I sold out of Dorothy Dandridge today! It makes me happy to know that more people are going to learn about this legend! Also, sold a bunch of copies of Lupe Velez! Tell the stories that haven’t been told or tell the same story differently.