BOTD: SHARON TATE (January 24, 1943)

Sharon Tate would be 78 today. The first time I watched "Valley of the Dolls" was at the Texas Theatre in Dallas, where, decades earlier, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for President Kennedy's assassination. The film "War is Hell" was stopped for Oswald's arrest. I spent the summer after 8th-grade reading "Helter Skelter" on the grassy knoll, in the shadow of the Texas Book Depository. Right away, I was fascinated with Tate. She was born in Dallas, and I grew up one town over in Arlington. 

When I first moved to L.A., I read Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders by Greg King at Tate's grave at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery. What better place to read up on your dead idol than at their grave? I've dedicated two zines to Tate's life, death, and final resting place. FOR MORE, GET THE ZINE!

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Dead in Hollywood: Here Lies Sharon Tate

Putting the finishing touches to “Dead in Hollywood: Here Lies Sharon Tate” and once again, I’m finding it hard to say goodbye. Seeing “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” last night didn’t help my summertime obsession with Tate. But after tonight - and after weeks of working on this latest issue -I can finally put Sharon Tate to rest. Tate’s wasted potential makes me ponder my own. Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax...