Dead in Hollywood: Marilyn of Avalon (Episode 19)

Go behind the sign to Catalina Island where Norma Jeane gave birth to Marilyn Monroe. In 1942, the future Marilyn Monroe spent a year and a half on the island as a teenage housewife. Why do historians leave off this life changing year of Monroe’s life?


Go behind the sign to the night of November 29, 1981, when Natalie Wood drowned on Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California. On July 20, 2021, Natalie's birthday, I sailed to Catalina to retrace Natalie's last, lost weekend. What really happened the night Natalie died? Was Natalie murdered or was it just an unfortunate accident after a holiday weekend of drinking? Never before seen photos/videos of famous Natalie Wood Catalina locations β€” with addresses! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel!


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Two years ago, on Natalie Wood’s deathiversary, I did a Natalie Wood slideshow at the Pool Gallery. We projected the slides on the bottom of the pool. It was freezing, but so worth it! You can read more about the slideshow in the upcoming issue of DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: HERE LIES NATALIE WOOD (Issue #18). A companion piece of sorts to DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD: NATALIE WOOD (Issue #8).




DEAD IN HOLLYWOOD THIS IS WHERE I DIE (Issue #22) will focus on the photos I have taken in and around Los Angeles over the past 20 years. This issue will feature never before seen photos of where stars like Natalie Wood, James Dean, and Dorothy Dandridge met their untimely fates.

THE LAST PAGE: Marilyn of Avalon

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Marilyn of Avalon

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Marilyn of the Morgue

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The Duke of Catalina

The Duke of Catalina: Duke Fishman, the "Original Greeter" at Avalon. Landing on Catalina Island in 1933 after living in a South Seas orphanage for most of his life, a 27-year-old Duke finds work as a lifeguard on the island. After a short stint as a houseman at the Annandale Golf Club, Duke becomes Avalon's "Goodwill Ambassador” - Avalon Harbor is Catalina’s main attraction. Duke leads tourists in singing the town's signature song "Avalon" as they disembark their steamships. Duke is also notable as the original, advertising character for the cleaning product β€œMr. Clean." In 1975, he has open heart surgery and gives up his lifeguard duties in Avalon, but continues his role as Avalon's greeter. In 1977, his health deteriorates, and he returns to his small trailer in Palm Springs - as he did every fall. After 40 years, Avalon decides not to renew his contract as "Official Greeter,” and on December 22, 1977, a friend finds Duke dead in his trailer from a heart attack. He was 71. He is interred in Avalon's Cemetery. The position of "Official Greeter" has remained vacant since his death. 

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Marilyn of Avalon

Before she was Marilyn Monroe, she was Norma Jeane Daughtry. At 16, Norma Jeane has two options: Ship off to yet another orphanage, or marry the boy-next-door and set sail for Catalina - an island off the coast of Southern California. Norma Jeane is no dumb blonde - she isn’t even a blonde. According to Norma Jeane's soon-to-be-husband, James Daughtry, the island paradise is where Marilyn Monroe is born. In an interview, Dougherty says: β€œI would marvel at how she’d β€˜turn on’ when she was walking and knew men were looking at her. She’d do β€˜the walk’ seen later in millions of her films, but back then, she was just learning to do it, and she was very, very good at it!”

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Orphans in the Moonlight

"I didn't feel like a married woman. The most important thing my marriage did for me was to end forever my status as orphan," Marilyn says in her autobiography, "My Story.” "Jim was a nice husband. He never hurt me or upset me - except on one subject. He wanted a baby." The thought of having a baby makes the hairs on Norma Jeane's arm stand on end. Can you blame a child bride for not wanting to bring a kid into this world? Daughtry - who she calls either Jimmie or Daddy - never truly β€˜gets’ Norma Jeane. "She was just a housewife," remembers Jimmie/Daddy, "We used to go down to the beach and have luaus on Saturday nights." The couple's favorite song is Glen Miller's "Moonlight Serenade." They listen to it together on the beach in Avalon and dreamily hold each other in their arms. If you haven’t held someone in your arms on Catalina, what are you doing with your life?

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Oh, Catalina...

At 16, Norma Jeane has two options: Ship off to another orphanage, or marry the boy-next-door and set sail for Catalina Island. According to Norma Jeane's then-husband, James Daughtry, the island paradise is where Marilyn Monroe is born. Dougherty states, β€œI would marvel at how she’d β€˜turn on’ when she was walking and knew men were looking at her. She’d do β€˜the walk’ seen later in millions of her films, but back then, she was just learning to do it, and she was very, very good at it!”

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Coming Soon...

In 1942, a 16-year-old Norma Jeane Baker avoids being shunted to yet another foster home by marrying her 21-year-old neighbor, James Dougherty - a merchant marine soon to be stationed on Catalina Island. Dougherty moves his young bride to an apartment overlooking Avalon Harbor. The future Miss Marilyn Monroe spends the next year and a half living as a housewife, 22 miles off the coast of California. To be continued...

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